Whole Home Water Filtration Systems
Plumbers Choice Carbon Filtration
Whole house carbon filters are a convenient, cost-efficient way to effectively remove or reduce many of the undesirable chemicals, disinfectant by-products and volatile organic compounds commonly found in municipal water supplies.
Plumber’s Choice Whole House Carbon CX Filters are designed for household use and are ideal for reducing chloramines and chlorine taste and odor. The system contains catalytic carbon which is more efficient in filtering chloramines than standard granular activated carbon.
Halo 5
Tap water is safe in many places, but that doesn’t mean you’re not ingesting impurities. Depending on where you live, you might be drinking bacteria, chemicals, and debris floating around in your municipality’s water system. Having a HALO Whole-Home Water Treatment System means that you never have to worry about the negative effects of poor water quality. Plus, drinking water is great for you, and you’ll drink more water with a HALO system. That’s because even though HALO water is phenomenal from every faucet, when you keep HALO water in a glass container in your refrigerator and bring it out to pour into a glass to drink it is The Best Cold Glass of Water on The Planet©.
Plumber’s Choice Whole House Carbon Filtration
HALO Whole-Home Water Treatment System